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Breath Journey - transformative & intense

On site and online

Deep and rapid breathing acts like a vacuum, drawing emotions, fears and stress to the surface. These sensations may feel intense, but there is logic behind this approach as well. The exhalation forces trapped emotions that are now surfacing out of the system, allowing them to be felt and released. This in turn creates space to integrate new things into your body and subconscious. You can think of it as a deep cleansing of your body (physical, mental & emotional) through the power of the breath.

Embark on a profound experience with your breath.


You need to FEEL to HEAL

What awaits you on a breath journey:

  • welcome circle

  • short meditation

  • Introduction and explanation of the breathing technique

  • Active breath journey

  • Sharing Circle

How to prepare:

  • Try not to eat 2 hours before the session because it's not easy to breathe on a full stomach. 

  • Plan some time for yourself afterwards, let the experience sink in.

  • Wear comfortable clothes so you can fully relax.


We would like to point out that no promise of healing is made with any of the assistance we offer. None of the services are a substitute for medical care and can at most have a supportive effect. None of the offers should lead to the treatment by the doctor/therapist being canceled in the event of health problems.

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Transformative BreathJourney

The breath journeys are transformative breathwork sessions in which we connect, breathe deeply and strongly in a safe setting. In this session you will not only strengthen your lungs, but you will also finally bring your thoughts to a standstill. You arrive more in feeling and in your body. Here you can let go of old beliefs and patterns, remove emotional, mental and physical blockages and come to deep insights on this "journey".


What's waiting for you:

  • an intense connected breathing technique

  • a safe space where you can let go of everything and dive deeper

  • Activating and moving music

  • partly live music or sound healing


Duration approx. 2.5 hours

Online BreathJourney

Like the Transformative BreathJourney, the Online BreathJourney uses connected breathing. What is special, however, is that this takes place via Zoom and is accompanied by suggestive coaching. Each online breathing journey has a thematic focus (self-confidence, courage, stress management, etc.).


What you need:

♡ your sofa, bed or a yoga mat on the floor

♡ Laptop or mobile phone with stable internet connection

♡ Headphones


What's waiting for you:

  • an intense connected breathing technique

  • The comfort of your own home and place of well-being

  • Active coaching and visualizations

  • Thematic focus

  • Activating and moving music


Duration approx. 1.5 hours


Tetra BreathJourney

The Tetra Breath Journey is a transformative breath journey and combines connected breathing with simple movement sequences such as diaphragmatic massage, flowing arm or hip movements. These have a positive effect on different levels and energy centers (chakras).


What's waiting for you:

  • an intense connected breathing technique

  • a safe space where you can let go of everything

  • Activating and moving music

  • Movements in combination with the breath


Duration approx. 2 hours

Dhe rather gentle, albeit demanding heart-breath journey directs the breath and attention to the heart center (Anahata/heart chakra). In this breathing session you follow the rhythm of the drum, breathe through your mouth and hold your breath after each breathing sequence to perceive the space within you.


What's waiting for you:

  • a slightly gentler breathing technique with breathing pauses

  • a safe space where you can let go of everything

  • Drum rhythms & sound healing

  • Focus on heart opening, love, acceptance & lightness


Duration about 1.5Hours


Heart BreathJourney / Breath of love


We would like to point out that no promise of healing is made with any of the assistance we offer. None of the services are a substitute for medical care and can at most have a supportive effect. None of the offers should lead to the treatment by the doctor/therapist being canceled in the event of health problems.

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