Online breath journey - full of courage through the new year
Thu, Jan 19
Do you have big plans for the new year? Have the good resolutions perhaps faded into the background again? Do you need a little more courage to finally tackle something? Then embark on a journey with your breath and strengthen your courage for what is waiting for you!

Time & Location
Jan 19, 2023, 6:00 PM
About the event
Deep and rapid breathing acts like a vacuum, drawing emotions, fears and stress to the surface. These sensations may feel intense, but there is logic behind this approach as well. The exhalation forces trapped emotions that are now surfacing out of the system, allowing them to be felt and released. This in turn creates space to integrate new things into your body and subconscious. You can think of it as a deep cleansing of your body (physical, mental & emotional) through the power of the breath.
Embark on a profound experience with your breath.
Breathe freely - in this guided breathing journey with music and suggestive impulses, your thoughts come to a standstill and you dive deeper into your body and into your subconscious. This trance-like state offers the opportunity to let go of blockages and to bring more courage and self-confidence into your system. All you do - is BREATHE!
Sounds simple doesn't it?
Then get in touch with me and try it out!
What you need:
♡ your sofa, bed or a yoga mat on the floor
♡ a laptop or mobile phone with a stable internet connection
♡ Headphones
What's waiting for you:
♡ an intense connected breathing technique
♡ The comfort of your own home and feel-good place
♡ Active impulses and visualizations on the subject of courage and self-confidence
♡ Activating and moving music
Duration approx. 1.5 hours
Register now for the online breath journey with Julia on January 19th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Energy balance: 19€
Immediately after the binding registration you will receive the zoom link. You can get in touch at any time, I'm happy to answer any open questions.
+43 664 3639663
I look forward to seeing you!
Your zoom link
Join Zoom meeting https://zoom.us/j/99986983201?pwd=WEMyem5VS0ZyWUNHai9IZHBrUklpZz09 Meeting ID: 999 8698 3201 Identification code: 406566
€19.00Sale ended